| 洪飛碩 博士/副教授
電話:06-253-3131 轉 4933 E-mail:fshung@stust.edu.tw 研究室:T605-13 |
學歷 |
國立成功大學建築學系 博士 |
經歷 |
南臺科技大學 休閒事業管理系 副教授 |
南臺科技大學休閒事業管理系 助理教授 |
台灣先進醫材暨創新植體技術研究發展協會 秘書長 |
遠東科大旅遊事業管理系主任 |
國立成功大學建築學系博士後研究 |
個人學術領域或專長 |
休閒與遊憩場域規劃、綠建材複合性能研發、抗磁文創材料、城鄉與生態規劃、3D列印與環保膠囊旅館材料 |
期刊著作論文(F. S. Hung) |
1. F. S. Hung*, Polymer Coating Effects: Study of Material Properties and Architectural Application Characteristics of Aluminum Template, Journal of Coatings, Vol. 11(2), 240, 2021. (SCI /SCOPUS, IF: 2.881) |
2. F. S. Hung*, Design of Lightweight Aluminum Alloy Building Materials for Corrosion and Wear Resistance Journal of Emerging Materials Research, 9(3), pp. 1–11, 2020. (SCI /SCOPUS, IF: 1.096) |
3. F. S. Hung*, Material Application of a Transformer Box: A Study on the Electromagnetic Shielding Characteristics of Al–Ta Coating Film with Plasma-Spray Process, Coatings, Vol. 9 (8) 495, 2019. (SCI/SCOPUS, IF: 2.330) |
4. F. S. Hung*, Characterization of 3D printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene with nano-particles, Journal of Emerging Materials Research, Vol. 8(3), pp. 1-6, 2019. (SCI/SCOPUS, IF: 0.313) |
5. F. S. Hung*, The effect of Sn-Al-C composite powders on the electromagnetic interference shielding of capsule building materials, Materials Science and Engineering 474, 2019. (EI/SCOPUS, ISSN: 1757-899X). |
6. F. S. Hung*, Multi-Layered effects of Fe on EMI shielding of Sn-Al architectural powder, Emerging Materials Research, Vol. 5(2), pp. 228-231, 2016. (SCI/SCOPUS, IF: 0.313). |
7. F. S. Hung*, Green Tourism and Physical Environment Assessment Design, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 804, pp. 1023-8824, 2014. (SCIEI/SCOPUS, ISSN: 10226680) |
8. F. S. Hung*, Adding effects of Ni and Mn on electromagnetic interference (EMI) shield of Sn-based architectural materials, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc., Vol. 23, pp.2633-2637, 2013. (SCI/SCOPUS, IF: 2.615) |
9. F. S. Hung* and T. Y. Tuan, Physical Environment Assessment Tools for the Performance of Leisure Agricultural, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 295-298, pp. 712-721, 2013. (SCIEI/SCOPUS, ISSN:16609336) |
10. F. S. Hung*, Building materials effects of Al Content and Physical Properties on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Sn Based Coating Thin Layers, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.142, pp.142-151, 2012. (SCIEI/SCOPUS, ISSN:16609336) |
11. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Innovation and Annealed Effect of Sn-Al and Sn-Cu Composite Thin Films on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding for the Green Materials, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.347-353, pp.547-554, 2011. (SCIEI, ISSN: 10226680) |
12. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Effects of the Sn-Al and Sn-Cu Thin Films on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding for the Advanced Materials, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc., Vol.21 No. 9, pp. 2020 - 2025, 2011. (SCI, 16/76=34%, IF=2.338) |
13. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Crystallization and Annealing Effects of Sputtered Tin Alloy Films on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 257 (8), pp.3733-3738, 2011. (SCI/SCOPUS, IF: 6.182) |
14. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Microstructrual Effects of the Sn-Al and Sn-Cu Thin Films on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding for the Advanced Building Materials, Journal of Architecture, No. 71, pp.177-186, 2010 (TSSCI). |
15. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Characteristics of Sn-Al powder coating layers, Materials Transactions,
Vol. 49(3), pp. 655-660,2008. (SCI,
27/75=36%, IF=1.001) |
國內外研討論文(F. S. Hung) |
1. F. S. Hung*, A Study on the Development of Recreation and Eco-tourism -An Example of Beigan township, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (May, 2021, Tainan) |
2. F. S. Hung*,
A Discourse on the Cultural Images and Taiwanese Indigenous People’s Cultural and Creative Product: An
Example of Paiwan Clan in Sandimen Township, Southern Taiwan University of
Science and Technology. (May, 2020, Tainan) |
3. F.
S. Hung*, A Study on the Sustainable Development of Xinguang Painted Art
Village from the Perspective of Community Creation, Southern Taiwan University
of Science and Technology. (May, 2019, Tainan) |
S. Hung*, A Study on the Service Quality of Tourism Development and the
Cognition of Revisiting - An Empirical Study of Kinmen, Southern Taiwan
University of Science and Technology. (May, 2019, Tainan) |
5. F. S. Hung*,
Effect of mineral particles blended on the material characteristics of paiwan
qinaciljai a umaq 3D printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene for capsule hotel
material application, The 7th Global Conference on Materials Science and
Engineering. (Nov, 2018, China). |
6. F. S. Hung*, A Study on the Tourist
Interrelationship among Low Carbon Travel, industry knowledge and satisfaction
- A Case Study of Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm, Southern Taiwan University of Science and
Technology. (Oct, 2017, Tainan) |
7. F. S. Hung*, A
Study of service quality and satisfaction of Resort Hotel - a Case of
Guanziling Hot Spring Area, Southern Taiwan University of Science and
Technology. (Oct, 2017, Tainan) |
8. F. S. Hung*,
Study on visitor' s recreated service quality and satisfaction at the reservoir
scenic area-A case study of the Wu-San-To reservoir scenic area, Southern
Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Oct, 2017, Tainan) |
9. F. S. Hung*, Tzu-Yu Hung, Chia-Yu Wang,
Tzu-Yu Liu, Yu-Jing Lin and Ya-Ching Hsu, Study on Service Quality and Tourists
Satisfaction to the different genders- Chu Lu Ranch as an Example, 2017,
National Taitung University. (May, 2017, Taitung) |
F. S. Hung*, A Study of the Association between the Quality of Service and
Experimental: A Study of Jiangnan Resort, 2017, National Taitung University (May,
2017, Taitung) |
F. S. Hung*, The Effect of Leisure Activity Participation on effectiveness of
Leisure Activity and Emotional Experiences, 2017, National Kaohsiung University
of Applied Sciences. (June, 2017, Kaohsiung). |
12. F. S. Hung*, Research on the relationship
among consumers' brand Image and Service Quality - An Empirical Study of Mr.
Brown Coffee, 2017, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences . (June,
2017, Kaohsiung). |
13. F. S. Hung* and
J. Q. LU, Research on the relationship among consumers' Brand Image, Service
Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty- An Empirical Study of Mr. Brown Coffee, The
17th Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Research Symposium and International
Forum of the Outdoor Recreation Association. (Oct, 2016, Nantao) |
14. F. S. Hung*, S. Q. Zhan and Y. M. Wu, A
Study on the Brand Image, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Aviation
Companies, The 16th Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Research Symposium and
International Forum. (Sep, 2016, TPE) |
15. F. S. Hung* and
C. H. Lee, Night Market Experience and Impression Survey with Feng-Jia Night Market
as Example, ICIMM. (July, 2016, SG) |
F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, Innovation and Annealed Effect of Sn-Al and Sn-Cu
CompositeThin Films on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding for the Green
Materials, EESD (Oct, 2015, Shanghai). |
17. F. S. Hung* and C. M. Chiang, A study on
the microstructures and electromagnetic interference shielding of Sn-Al-Ni thin
films, TMS (Feb, 2014, USA)
F. S. Hung, C. M. Chiang, T, Electromagnetic Interference Shielding in
Sn-Al-(Ni) Thin Films, ICMAT & IUMRS-ICA (June, 2013, SG). |
19. F. S. Hung*, Effects of Al Content and
Physical Properties on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Sn-xAl
Coating Thin Layers, ICMCTF (Apr, 2012, USA). |
科技部(MOST)/教育部研究計畫 |
1. 科技部計畫名稱:3D 列印膠囊建築用陶瓷顆粒強化型 ABS 資材特性研究計 畫編號:107-2622-E-218 -007 -CC3,計畫主持人:洪飛碩,執行期間: 2018~2019 |
2. 科技部計畫名稱:休閒農場發展生態旅遊評估指標之可行性探討,計畫編號: MOST 106-2622-E-269-002 -CC3,計畫主持人:洪飛碩,執行期間: 2017~2018 |
3. 教育部計畫名稱:聽見花開的聲音以新市火車站串連社區發展之扎根服務學 習計畫,計畫編號:MOE104-23-60-447 (三年期),計畫主持人: 洪飛碩,執行 期間: 2014~2017 |
4. 科技部計畫名稱:關注排灣族琉璃珠文化產業發展之研究,計畫編號:MOST 105-2622-H-269-001-CC3,計畫主持人:洪飛碩,執行期間: 2015~2016 |
5. 科技部計畫名稱:兼具環保與五感效果之互動式節水植栽模組,計畫編號: MOST 103-2218-E-269-001,計畫主持人:洪飛碩,執行期間: 2014~2015 |
6. 科技部計畫名稱:外籍人士對台灣老街及夜市體驗之可行性評估以提供新化 老街之旅遊規劃研究,計畫編號:MOST 102-2622-E-269-007-CC3,計畫主持 人:洪飛碩,執行期間: 2013~ 2014 |
7. 科技部計畫名稱:添加石墨與鐵對錫鋁系建築用粉末材料之電磁波遮蔽特性 研究,計畫編號:MOST 101-2218-E-269-002,計畫主持人:洪飛碩,執行期 間: 2012~2013 |
專利 |
■發明專利:低碳陶瓷顆粒強化型 ABS 材料製造方法,證書號: I652300。 |
■新型專利:膠囊旅館之牆體結構設計,證書號: M554117。 |